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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Club Penguin EPF Herberts Revenge Guides(Coming Soon)

Hey Penguins!

So i Just got Herberts Revenge yesterday and i am here to show you what comes with the game heres a picture of what comes with this Totaly Awesome game.
The Game Should Include the Following
-An EPF poster
-The Game
-A Code for online:
The Code Includes the Following:
-An EPF Uniform
-1500 Coins
-EPF spy phone
-Elite Puffle Whistle
and Then once you Put in the code here are 13 items you should recive in you inventory
-Life Ring
-Hiking Backpack
-Ski goggles
-Black Sunglasses
-Orange Mining helmet
-Crab suit
-Spider suit
-Secret agent Tux
-EPF Shirt
and in addtion to that if your a memeber you can use the elite puffle whistle,the only puffle avalible to you right now is flare you just summon flare and he will follow you

 Flare Cannot be Kept at your igloo you cannot feed him or do anything like that only thing you can do with flare is walk around with him.Heres two of his actions Going through a fire hoop(right) is when you dance and him with just blue flames(left) is when you Press W or Wave
 Well Thats Pretty Much it I would seriously reconmmend get the game it has lots of cool unlockables and the game is seriously fun on a scale of 1-10 i would give it a 9.5 only because it needs more missions well guys thats it til next time waddle on
~Teddy259 Club Penguin Jammers President

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